La creazione

From The Ennio Morricone Online Community
Track La creazione 4 (id11465)
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1 3:26 The Bible (1966) La creazione (4) 1965
= The Secret of the Sahara (1987) The Mountain (4) =
= Roma: Imago urbis (1992) = =

Ennio Morricone Composer; Ennio Morricone Arranger; Franco Ferrara Conductor;

All versions[edit | edit source]

using theme La creazione 4

Commercial Albums
TV Film Music TV Film Music (CD BMG 74321 31552 2 - 1995) in The Mountain
Secret of the Sahara Secret of the Sahara (Vinyl-LP RCA BL 71559 - Italy - 1987) in The Mountain +re-released
Les secrets du Sahara Les secrets du Sahara (CD RCA BD71947 - France - 1987) in The Mountain +re-released
The Secret of the Sahara The Secret of the Sahara (AudioTape RCA BK 71947 - Italy - 1987) in The Mountain +re-released
The Sacred And The Profane The Sacred And The Profane (2CD BMG/RCA 74321716392 - 1999) in The Mountain
Secret of the Sahara Secret of the Sahara (CD GDM 4107 - Italy - 2007) in The Mountain +re-released
Metello - Secret of the Sahara Metello - Secret of the Sahara (2CD GDM IMR 00603 - Italy - 2014) in The Mountain