La lotta, la vittoria, la morte

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Track La lotta, la vittoria, la morte (id2701)
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5:23 Orca (1977) La lotta, la vittoria, la morte 1977

Ennio Morricone Composer; Ennio Morricone Arranger; Ennio Morricone Conductor;

All versions[edit | edit source]

using theme The fight, the victory, the death

Commercial Albums
Orca Orca (Vinyl-LP TAM YX 7036 - Japan - 1977) as The fight, the victory, the death
Orca Orca (CD Legend CD10 - Italy - 1993) as The fight, the victory, the death +re-released
Orca Orca (CD Music Box MBR-111 - France - 2017) as The Fight, the Victory, the Death
Musiques de films - Colonne sonore - Original Soundtracks -- 1964-2015 Musiques de films - Colonne sonore - Original Soundtracks -- 1964-2015 (18CD Decca ELC-0600753892374 - France - 2019)
Orca Orca (Virtual Album Decca Universal - France - 2021)