Vivere ancora

From The Ennio Morricone Online Community
Track Vivere ancora 2 (id52)
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2:48 Prima della rivoluzione (1964) Vivere ancora (2) 1964

Ennio Morricone Arranger; Ennio Morricone Conductor; Gino Paoli Composer; Gino Paoli Lyrics; Gino Paoli Vocals;

All versions[edit | edit source]

using theme Vivere ancora

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

Vivere ancora soltanto per un'ora e per un'ora averti fra le braccia e far sparire per sempre dal tuo viso ogni incertezza che ti tormenta ancora.

Vivere ancora soltanto per un'ora e per un'ora vedere sul tuo viso tutto l'amore che ti ho saputo dare e la mia vita che ora è solo tua.

E poi restare vicini ad occhi aperti ad aspettare che dalla finestra giunga la luce di un giorno che ci veda stretti abbracciati con gli occhi dentro agli occhi.

Poter vedere in una stanza buia con gli occhi chiusi quello che vogliamo poter sentire vicino alla mia mano i tuoi capelli sparsi sul cuscino.

Sentire che per sempre il mio destino è diventato tuo è diventato tuo è diventato tuo.

>>>>Translation to English <<<<<

Living again just for one hour and for one hour having you in my arms and dissolving forever from your face any uncertainty that torments you again.

Living again just for one hour and for one hour seeing on your face all the love I knew giving you and my life that's now yours only.

And then staying close with open eyes waiting from the window appearing the light of a day that may see us tight embraced with eyes into eyes.

Being able to see in a dark room with closed eyes what we want being able to feel beside my hand your hair spread on the pillow.

Feeling that forever my destiny has become yours has become yours has become yours. (provided by ut-re-mi)

Commercial Albums
Le canzoni di Gino Paoli Le canzoni di Gino Paoli (Vinyl-LP RCA NL33026 - Italy - 1975)
Vivere ancora Vivere ancora (Vinyl-7" RCA PM45-3284 - Italy - 1964)
Gino Paoli - Basta chiudere gli occhi Gino Paoli - Basta chiudere gli occhi (Vinyl-LP RCA PML 10375 - Italy - 1964) +re-released
Gino Paoli - Flashback - Musica e parole Gino Paoli - Flashback - Musica e parole (CD RCA 71833 - Italy - 1988)
Il était une fois Ennio Morricone vol. 2 Il était une fois Ennio Morricone vol. 2 (2CD BMG 74321123122 - France - 1992)
Gino Paoli - Le origini Gino Paoli - Le origini (CD Ricordi 74321-426782-2 - Italy - 1998)
Flashback - I grandi successi originali di Gino Paoli Flashback - I grandi successi originali di Gino Paoli (2CD BMG/RCA Ricordi 74321820442 - Italy - 2001)

by Bob Hendrikx on 03/09/2019:
Notes on Gino Paoli: VIVERE ANCORA (1964)


by Bob Hendrikx on 12/06/2020:


One spot of 0:30, one of 1:00. link / jpg
Director: Giuseppe Tornatore
Composer, Orchestrator, Conductor: Ennio Morricone

Listen to the 30-second spot: mp3 (misses the middle part of the 60-second version)

TV commercials with original music by Ennio Morricone:

Director Giuseppe Tornatore:
1990 – Italiana Petroli con l'Italia link
1990 – Barilla: Mulino Bianco link
1990 – Chef Boyardee: Grandmother link
1995 – Dolce & Gabbana: Profumo link
2002 – Dolce & Gabbana: Il cinema link
2003 – Dolce & Gabbana: Sicily, Il Funerale link
2014 – Dolce & Gabbana: Profumo Dolce link
2015 – Dolce & Gabbana: Dolce Rosa Excelsa link

Director: Andrew Douglas
2001 – Telecom Italia: Come vorresti che fosse il futuro? link

Director Harald Zwart:
2008 – Lancia Delta: Verso Est link

Director Jean-Baptiste Mondino:
2009 – Dolce & Gabbana: The One link

Director: Matteo Pellegrini
2009 – Mediaset Premium: Premium Cinema link

by Bob Hendrikx on 24/04/2013:
"Vivere ancora (1)" and "Vivere ancora (2)" are identical


"Vivere ancora" (PM45-3274) and "Vivere ancora" (PM45-3284) are one and the same.
Both tracks have the same matrix number (PKAW 22294).
See: /


by WebMaster on 01/05/2013:
Re: 'Vivere ancora (1)' and 'Vivere ancora (2)' are identical


There is a piano+voice version of 2:48, probably a revision. The film version you refer to, with a much more morriconian sound, is a bit longer, around 3:00. It could be that only the latter has a Morricone link, and should be on all the referenced albums, but I'm not 100% sure.


by Bob Hendrikx on 02/05/2013:
Re: Re: 'Vivere ancora (1)' and 'Vivere ancora (2)' are identical


I'm referring to the FILM version, which runs for 2:50.
Film version and 45rpm version are the same. Compare: /

"Vivere ancora" (PM45-3274) and "Vivere ancora" (PM45-3284) are the same.
They both have the same matrix number. See: (PKAW 22294) / (PKAW 22294)
They're both referred to as the FILM version. See: (3274) / (3284)

But in the database they are listed as two different tracks: Vivere ancora (1) and Vivere ancora (2).


by ut-re-mi on 25/02/2020:
Reused in "L'amica geniale"

"L'amica geniale" - Part 2 , on February 24, 2020.

In this movie two scenes are effectively underlined by the whole song by Gino Paoli. Very touching moments, to express the passion between Lila and her lover on the sandy beaches of Ischia Island, in front of Naples.

The scenic idea was really firstly applied by Bertolucci: